Payne County Audubon Unveils New Visual Identity


Stillwater, Okla. [June 1, 2023]

The Payne County Audubon Society is pleased to announce the launch of its new visual identity. The rebranding effort includes a modernized logo and refreshed colors for the group that was founded in 1984. The updated branding aims to better represent the organization’s mission of wildlife conservation and education — in particular, protecting birds and their habitats.

Designed by PCAS board members Jessica Torres and Clay Billman, the new logo features a stylized Smith’s Longspur. The small songbird nests on Arctic tundra, but migrates thousands of miles to spend its winters in the Great Plains. From December through March, nearly the entire population can be found in the short grasses and stubble fields of Oklahoma and several neighboring states. Payne and Noble counties have become key destinations for birders looking to add Smith’s Longspur to their lists.

PCAS President Magdalena Vinson expressed her enthusiasm for the rebranding initiative.

“We wanted a logo that represents who we are and what makes our area unique,” she said. “It’s an exciting change that breathes new life into our organization and will hopefully help us attract more individuals who share our passion for birds.”

Vinson said the rebrand is part of a broader initiative to boost membership and community engagement. PCAS plans to roll out its new visual identity across various platforms, including an updated chapter website, Facebook group, printed materials (including stickers and wall calendars), and apparel such as caps and t-shirts.

“We hope to provide our members and supporters with some fun merchandise options that can help promote our organization, boost fundraising efforts, and become a point of pride for local bird aficionados.”

As a local chapter of the National Audubon Society, PCAS sponsors field trips and educational programs, an annual “big day” birding competition, and awards annual research grants to college students and other non-profit organizations.

For more information about the Payne County Audubon Society and its initiatives, please visit


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